upscaledb  2.2.1
Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs | Functions
upscaledb.h File Reference

Include file for upscaledb embedded database. More...

#include <ups/types.h>

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Data Structures

struct  ups_record_t
struct  ups_key_t
struct  ups_parameter_t


#define UPS_API_REVISION   4
#define UPS_VERSION_MAJ   2
#define UPS_VERSION_MIN   2
#define UPS_VERSION_REV   1
#define UPS_FILE_VERSION   5
#define ups_make_record(PTR, SIZE)   { SIZE, PTR, 0 }
#define ups_make_key(PTR, SIZE)   { SIZE, PTR, 0, 0 }
#define UPS_KEY_USER_ALLOC   1
#define UPS_TYPE_BINARY   0
#define UPS_TYPE_CUSTOM   1
#define UPS_TYPE_UINT8   3
#define UPS_TYPE_UINT16   5
#define UPS_TYPE_UINT32   7
#define UPS_TYPE_UINT64   9
#define UPS_TYPE_REAL32   11
#define UPS_TYPE_REAL64   12
#define UPS_SUCCESS   ( 0)
#define UPS_INV_RECORD_SIZE   ( -2)
#define UPS_INV_KEY_SIZE   ( -3)
#define UPS_INV_PAGE_SIZE   ( -4)
#define UPS_OUT_OF_MEMORY   ( -6)
#define UPS_INV_PARAMETER   ( -8)
#define UPS_INV_FILE_HEADER   ( -9)
#define UPS_INV_FILE_VERSION   (-10)
#define UPS_KEY_NOT_FOUND   (-11)
#define UPS_DUPLICATE_KEY   (-12)
#define UPS_INTERNAL_ERROR   (-14)
#define UPS_WRITE_PROTECTED   (-15)
#define UPS_BLOB_NOT_FOUND   (-16)
#define UPS_IO_ERROR   (-18)
#define UPS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED   (-20)
#define UPS_FILE_NOT_FOUND   (-21)
#define UPS_WOULD_BLOCK   (-22)
#define UPS_NOT_READY   (-23)
#define UPS_LIMITS_REACHED   (-24)
#define UPS_NEED_RECOVERY   (-28)
#define UPS_CURSOR_STILL_OPEN   (-29)
#define UPS_FILTER_NOT_FOUND   (-30)
#define UPS_TXN_CONFLICT   (-31)
#define UPS_KEY_ERASED_IN_TXN   (-32)
#define UPS_TXN_STILL_OPEN   (-33)
#define UPS_CURSOR_IS_NIL   (-100)
#define UPS_DATABASE_NOT_FOUND   (-200)
#define UPS_LOG_INV_FILE_HEADER   (-300)
#define UPS_NETWORK_ERROR   (-400)
#define UPS_PLUGIN_NOT_FOUND   (-500)
#define UPS_PARSER_ERROR   (-501)
#define UPS_DONT_LOCK   0xf0000000
#define UPS_TXN_READ_ONLY   1
#define UPS_ENABLE_FSYNC   0x00000001
#define UPS_IGNORE_MISSING_CALLBACK   0x00000002
#define UPS_READ_ONLY   0x00000004
#define UPS_IN_MEMORY   0x00000080
#define UPS_DISABLE_MMAP   0x00000200
#define UPS_RECORD_NUMBER32   0x00001000
#define UPS_RECORD_NUMBER64   0x00002000
#define UPS_ENABLE_DUPLICATE_KEYS   0x00004000
#define UPS_AUTO_RECOVERY   0x00010000
#define UPS_ENABLE_TRANSACTIONS   0x00020000
#define UPS_CACHE_UNLIMITED   0x00040000
#define UPS_DISABLE_RECOVERY   0x00080000
#define UPS_IS_REMOTE_INTERNAL   0x00200000
#define UPS_FORCE_RECORDS_INLINE   0x00800000
#define UPS_ENABLE_CRC32   0x02000000
#define UPS_DONT_FLUSH_TRANSACTIONS   0x04000000
#define UPS_OVERWRITE   0x0001
#define UPS_DUPLICATE   0x0002
#define UPS_DIRECT_ACCESS   0x0040
#define UPS_FORCE_DEEP_COPY   0x0100
#define UPS_HINT_APPEND   0x00080000
#define UPS_HINT_PREPEND   0x00100000
#define UPS_PARAM_CACHE_SIZE   0x00000100
#define UPS_PARAM_PAGE_SIZE   0x00000101
#define UPS_PARAM_KEY_SIZE   0x00000102
#define UPS_PARAM_MAX_DATABASES   0x00000103
#define UPS_PARAM_KEY_TYPE   0x00000104
#define UPS_PARAM_LOG_DIRECTORY   0x00000105
#define UPS_PARAM_ENCRYPTION_KEY   0x00000106
#define UPS_PARAM_NETWORK_TIMEOUT_SEC   0x00000107
#define UPS_PARAM_RECORD_SIZE   0x00000108
#define UPS_PARAM_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT   0x00000109
#define UPS_PARAM_POSIX_FADVISE   0x00000110
#define UPS_PARAM_CUSTOM_COMPARE_NAME   0x00000111
#define UPS_PARAM_RECORD_TYPE   0x00000112
#define UPS_RECORD_SIZE_UNLIMITED   ((uint32_t)-1)
#define UPS_KEY_SIZE_UNLIMITED   ((uint16_t)-1)
#define UPS_PARAM_FLAGS   0x00000200
#define UPS_PARAM_FILEMODE   0x00000201
#define UPS_PARAM_FILENAME   0x00000202
#define UPS_PARAM_DATABASE_NAME   0x00000203
#define UPS_PARAM_MAX_KEYS_PER_PAGE   0x00000204
#define UPS_PARAM_KEY_COMPRESSION   0x00001002
#define UPS_AUTO_CLEANUP   1
#define UPS_DONT_CLEAR_LOG   2
#define UPS_TXN_AUTO_ABORT   4
#define UPS_CURSOR_FIRST   0x0001
#define UPS_CURSOR_LAST   0x0002
#define UPS_CURSOR_NEXT   0x0004
#define UPS_CURSOR_PREVIOUS   0x0008
#define UPS_SKIP_DUPLICATES   0x0010
#define UPS_ONLY_DUPLICATES   0x0020
#define UPS_FIND_EQ_MATCH   0x4000
#define UPS_FIND_LT_MATCH   0x1000
#define UPS_FIND_GT_MATCH   0x2000


typedef struct ups_db_t ups_db_t
typedef struct ups_env_t ups_env_t
typedef struct ups_cursor_t ups_cursor_t
typedef void UPS_CALLCONV(* ups_error_handler_fun) (int level, const char *message)
typedef struct ups_txn_t ups_txn_t
typedef int UPS_CALLCONV(* ups_compare_func_t) (ups_db_t *db, const uint8_t *lhs, uint32_t lhs_length, const uint8_t *rhs, uint32_t rhs_length)


UPS_EXPORT void UPS_CALLCONV ups_set_error_handler (ups_error_handler_fun f)
UPS_EXPORT const char *UPS_CALLCONV ups_strerror (ups_status_t status)
UPS_EXPORT void UPS_CALLCONV ups_get_version (uint32_t *major, uint32_t *minor, uint32_t *revision)
UPS_EXPORT ups_status_t UPS_CALLCONV ups_env_create (ups_env_t **env, const char *filename, uint32_t flags, uint32_t mode, const ups_parameter_t *param)
UPS_EXPORT ups_status_t UPS_CALLCONV ups_env_open (ups_env_t **env, const char *filename, uint32_t flags, const ups_parameter_t *param)
UPS_EXPORT ups_status_t UPS_CALLCONV ups_env_get_parameters (ups_env_t *env, ups_parameter_t *param)
UPS_EXPORT ups_status_t UPS_CALLCONV ups_env_create_db (ups_env_t *env, ups_db_t **db, uint16_t name, uint32_t flags, const ups_parameter_t *params)
UPS_EXPORT ups_status_t UPS_CALLCONV ups_env_open_db (ups_env_t *env, ups_db_t **db, uint16_t name, uint32_t flags, const ups_parameter_t *params)
UPS_EXPORT ups_status_t UPS_CALLCONV ups_env_rename_db (ups_env_t *env, uint16_t oldname, uint16_t newname, uint32_t flags)
UPS_EXPORT ups_status_t UPS_CALLCONV ups_env_erase_db (ups_env_t *env, uint16_t name, uint32_t flags)
UPS_EXPORT ups_status_t UPS_CALLCONV ups_env_flush (ups_env_t *env, uint32_t flags)
UPS_EXPORT ups_status_t UPS_CALLCONV ups_env_get_database_names (ups_env_t *env, uint16_t *names, uint32_t *length)
UPS_EXPORT ups_status_t UPS_CALLCONV ups_env_close (ups_env_t *env, uint32_t flags)
UPS_EXPORT ups_status_t ups_txn_begin (ups_txn_t **txn, ups_env_t *env, const char *name, void *reserved, uint32_t flags)
UPS_EXPORT const char * ups_txn_get_name (ups_txn_t *txn)
UPS_EXPORT ups_status_t ups_txn_commit (ups_txn_t *txn, uint32_t flags)
UPS_EXPORT ups_status_t ups_txn_abort (ups_txn_t *txn, uint32_t flags)
UPS_EXPORT ups_status_t UPS_CALLCONV ups_register_compare (const char *name, ups_compare_func_t func)
UPS_EXPORT ups_status_t UPS_CALLCONV ups_db_set_compare_func (ups_db_t *db, ups_compare_func_t foo)
UPS_EXPORT ups_status_t UPS_CALLCONV ups_db_find (ups_db_t *db, ups_txn_t *txn, ups_key_t *key, ups_record_t *record, uint32_t flags)
UPS_EXPORT ups_status_t UPS_CALLCONV ups_db_insert (ups_db_t *db, ups_txn_t *txn, ups_key_t *key, ups_record_t *record, uint32_t flags)
UPS_EXPORT ups_status_t UPS_CALLCONV ups_db_erase (ups_db_t *db, ups_txn_t *txn, ups_key_t *key, uint32_t flags)
UPS_EXPORT ups_status_t UPS_CALLCONV ups_db_count (ups_db_t *db, ups_txn_t *txn, uint32_t flags, uint64_t *count)
UPS_EXPORT ups_status_t UPS_CALLCONV ups_db_get_parameters (ups_db_t *db, ups_parameter_t *param)
UPS_EXPORT ups_env_t *UPS_CALLCONV ups_db_get_env (ups_db_t *db)
UPS_EXPORT ups_status_t UPS_CALLCONV ups_db_close (ups_db_t *db, uint32_t flags)
UPS_EXPORT ups_status_t UPS_CALLCONV ups_cursor_create (ups_cursor_t **cursor, ups_db_t *db, ups_txn_t *txn, uint32_t flags)
UPS_EXPORT ups_status_t UPS_CALLCONV ups_cursor_clone (ups_cursor_t *src, ups_cursor_t **dest)
UPS_EXPORT ups_status_t UPS_CALLCONV ups_cursor_move (ups_cursor_t *cursor, ups_key_t *key, ups_record_t *record, uint32_t flags)
UPS_EXPORT ups_status_t UPS_CALLCONV ups_cursor_overwrite (ups_cursor_t *cursor, ups_record_t *record, uint32_t flags)
UPS_EXPORT ups_status_t UPS_CALLCONV ups_cursor_find (ups_cursor_t *cursor, ups_key_t *key, ups_record_t *record, uint32_t flags)
UPS_EXPORT ups_status_t UPS_CALLCONV ups_cursor_insert (ups_cursor_t *cursor, ups_key_t *key, ups_record_t *record, uint32_t flags)
UPS_EXPORT ups_status_t UPS_CALLCONV ups_cursor_erase (ups_cursor_t *cursor, uint32_t flags)
UPS_EXPORT ups_status_t UPS_CALLCONV ups_cursor_get_duplicate_count (ups_cursor_t *cursor, uint32_t *count, uint32_t flags)
UPS_EXPORT ups_status_t UPS_CALLCONV ups_cursor_get_duplicate_position (ups_cursor_t *cursor, uint32_t *position)
UPS_EXPORT ups_status_t UPS_CALLCONV ups_cursor_get_record_size (ups_cursor_t *cursor, uint32_t *size)
UPS_EXPORT ups_status_t UPS_CALLCONV ups_cursor_close (ups_cursor_t *cursor)

Detailed Description

Include file for upscaledb embedded database.

Christoph Rupp,

Definition in file upscaledb.h.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define UPS_API_REVISION   4

Definition at line 121 of file upscaledb.h.

#define UPS_FILE_VERSION   5

Definition at line 147 of file upscaledb.h.

#define UPS_KEY_USER_ALLOC   1

Flag for ups_key_t (only really useful in combination with ups_cursor_move, ups_cursor_find and ups_db_find)

Definition at line 279 of file upscaledb.h.

Referenced by main().

#define ups_make_key (   PTR,
)    { SIZE, PTR, 0, 0 }

A macro to statically initialize a ups_key_t structure.

Usage: ups_key_t key = ups_make_key(ptr, size);

Definition at line 274 of file upscaledb.h.

#define ups_make_record (   PTR,
)    { SIZE, PTR, 0 }

A macro to statically initialize a ups_record_t structure.

Usage: ups_record_t rec = ups_make_record(ptr, size);

Definition at line 225 of file upscaledb.h.

Referenced by main().


Flag for ups_record_t (only really useful in combination with ups_cursor_move, ups_cursor_find and ups_db_find)

Definition at line 217 of file upscaledb.h.

#define UPS_VERSION_MAJ   2

The version numbers

A change of the major revision means a significant update with a lot of new features and API changes.

The minor version means a significant update without API changes, and the revision is incremented for each release with minor improvements only.

The file version describes the version of the binary database format. upscaledb is neither backwards- nor forwards-compatible regarding file format changes.

History of file versions: 2.1.0: introduced the file version; version is 0 2.1.3: new btree format, file format cleanups; version is 1 2.1.4: new btree format for duplicate keys/var. length keys; version is 2 2.1.5: new freelist; version is 3 2.1.9: changes in btree node format; version is 4 2.1.13: changes in btree node format; version is 5

Definition at line 144 of file upscaledb.h.

#define UPS_VERSION_MIN   2

Definition at line 145 of file upscaledb.h.

#define UPS_VERSION_REV   1

Definition at line 146 of file upscaledb.h.

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct ups_cursor_t ups_cursor_t

Definition at line 177 of file upscaledb.h.

typedef struct ups_db_t ups_db_t

Definition at line 156 of file upscaledb.h.

typedef struct ups_env_t ups_env_t

Definition at line 165 of file upscaledb.h.